Psychosomatologist-nutritionist consultation online Psychosomatics is a field th

Posted: January 21, 2025, 05:02 AM
Psychosomatologist-nutritionist consultation online Psychosomatics is a field that studies and explains the impact of stress and anxiety on psychological and physical health, dietetics, the science of nutrition, studying and substantiating the principles of nutrition for various diseases. Psychosomatics often occurs in those who react very violently to various situations. The most common cases include: life difficulties, due to which a person experiences negative emotions for a long period of time; stress, an increased level of tendency to experience and difficulties in adaptation; events that have had a greater impact on life. life experiences, experienced events, and most importantly, their attitude to the current situation. Almost half of all human diseases can be psychosomatic in nature. and depends on life experiences, events, and most importantly, your attitude to the current situation - heart and blood vessels (heart attacks) - weight normalization - eating disorders - gastrointestinal tract - nervous system (chronic headaches, tension pain, dizziness) - skin (neurodermatitis, relapses of psoriasis) - gynecological, including those associated with the reproductive cycle of women - endocrine, and many others. Only a comprehensive solution to health issues. In the center's programs, we combine dietetics technologies and a psychosomatic approach, and this gives us the opportunity to get a full and almost 100% result of our work. You will find an individual nutrition plan, which is made personally for you, recipes are selected recipes for dishes, tasty and healthy. - 24/7 nutritionist support - Access to an office with a compiled menu, with the calculation of KKL, PROTEINS, CARBOHYDRATES, and FATS on any digital device. With us it is tasty and interesting, and most importantly - the result. Leave a request for the first free consultation with a nutritionist-psychosomatologist on the website +380 96 771 2654
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